Sunday, November 26, 2017

relationship with media

My relationship with media is a good and a bad one. When it comes to certain things I depend on media to know whats going on in the world. When I don't have access to my computer or phone I don't have an idea of the things going on outside of my life. But with media I am able to use my phone everyday to go on social media and see the latest news about things like whats going on in our country and outside. Without media I wouldn't know what the dumbest thing our president just said or the latest on whatever important thing is going on in the white house. And in general I wouldn't be as educated as I am on whats going on in our country. And I also use it to entertain myself. I use social media to talk to friends and to see whats going on in their lives. I watch peoples videos on YouTube and get to share what exciting things are going on in my life. But I probably have a worse relationship with media than a good one. For one I spend way to much time on social media. I do things like talk to my friends for too long or watch videos. And because of this it helps me to procrastinate on my homework and other important things I need to do. A lot of the time it can be the reason why I am staying up so late on school nights doing my homework. It also causes me a lot of stress. I find that when I haven't checked my phone in a while I start to stress out. I keep worrying about what I'm missing out on or if anyone has tried to contact me. Sometimes I don't even know why I'm stressed about not going on it but I am anyways. Also, trying to keep up different expectations on things like Instagram stresses me out, as well as seeing people who do such amazing things like travel all the time makes me extremely jealous. Despite all these things I still keep using it and it still distracts me. I know that if I took a break from it for awhile or at least shut it off until my homework was done I could be a lot more productive. But in the end I still know that I wont end up doing that because I'm way to addicted to social media to leave it for to long.

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