Sunday, December 17, 2017


    My biggest problem when it comes to school work or really trying to get anything done is procrastination. I happen to be very good at this and will stall for hours on things like trying to get my reading done or doing my chores. And the main contributor to my procrastination problem is media. I rather be curled up in a blanket scrolling through my Instagram feed then writing my essay. Or sending horrible picture of my face to my best friends on Snapchat then reading our current class book. But in the end I have to do this homework anyways and this causes me to be up late finishing my last paragraph of my essay when it could have been done easily a few hours ago. But still the temptation of seeing how many likes I got on a picture I just posted or watching a YouTube video keeps me from finishing my work at a decent hour. And I know if I just turned off my phone for a few hours while I was doing my homework it could be done so much faster. I also wouldn't keep falling asleep with my lights on every night because I was going to watch just one more video before I had to get out from under my warm blankets to turn them of. But I know in reality that I wont end up doing this, and will keep doing things like turning in my last media blog on Sunday night at 7:59 P.M.


  1. I can highly relate to this. Often enough I find myself distracted from what is more important. I find myself making up excuses of why I need to have my phone on me at all times, or whether I need to be checking my phone every second. Although recently I have been able to unglue myself from my phone, and get my work done at a decent hour. I often catch myself procrastinating and refocus on the assignment I have at hand.

  2. I absolutely can relate to this same idea. I am such a bad procrastinator when it comes to school work, even work around this house. I've become so addicted to media or simply the concept of "I'll do it later" that it causes me to stay up later than planned when i could've been doing work instead of procrastinating on my phone. I find it even worse when i have my notifications turned on and a bright light pops up on my phone just glaring at me to pick it up. TEMPTATIONS! I always tell myself to start earlier and sometimes even write out an agenda to get myself going to not procrastinate, but i still end up doing it.


Final Reflection

    Throughout this unit we have been focusing very closely on a number of things involving Media. And using these blogs has really helped m...