Tuesday, January 16, 2018

College Advertisements

    After my PSAT scores started to come out I began to receive emails. They have been emails from colleges all around the country and some as well known as Boston University. they have been emailing me multiple times a day and I have received them from at least 15 different colleges. But I have received multiple from eat school. They send me pictures of the campus, what they have to offer, and feedback from former students. All to get me to consider going to their school. I have even been sent a poster to one of the schools. You would never really expect colleges to advertise that much if at all. But ever since the test it seems like that is all they've been doing. I see things like are yo ready to become a tiger? Or them telling me they've noticed me. And although I have no complaints because it gives me a better look into my options, you just never realize how widespread advertisement can really be until they are sent from colleges to your personal email. And it really shows just how much everyone is impacted by ads because even schools are relying on them now.

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