Sunday, December 10, 2017

Anti-smoking Advertisement Techniques

      In this advertisement they are trying to give the message of just how bad cigarettes are. In this advertisement they don't have to use words. They show a cigarette that seems perfect until it slowly shows that it is being burnt out. And it shows the end turning to ashes and has them floating around the picture. But the part that is trying to tell you not to smoke is the ashes. These ashes make up a man and this man has his head down and is reaching out as if asking for help. But for him he cant be helped because you can see that the ashes are floating away and he is falling apart. This shows a few messages. For one it shows how his life has been so taken over by cigarettes that he has basically become their ashes. And when his head is down it not only shows how sick he is but how regretful he is. He is also reaching out for help. On top of this he is slowly falling apart and becoming nothing but ash floating around on the screen. This shows that now that he is finally trying to seek help it is to late for him because the harm cigarettes do has finally ruined his life. Even though this advertisement is simple and wordless it is able to display a very strong message through one cigarette, which shows just how powerful advertising can be.

1 comment:

  1. I thought this article was very interesting. It shows just how much power and emotion an image can have and how a picture really is 1000 words. I especially liked how you explained every meaning you got from the image and how powerful of an image it was for you.


Final Reflection

    Throughout this unit we have been focusing very closely on a number of things involving Media. And using these blogs has really helped m...